About Us

Malik Khan BSc (Hons), MBAcC, L. Ac, AFN, BA, Dip, Masters

Malik is the founder of Achieve Health Acupuncture Clinic based in Retford, Nottinghamshire.

Malik is well known for the amazing results he is able to consistently deliver in fertility, chronic pain and neurology.

Malik graduated from University. Early on he discovered that the Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Care taught in school was not getting the results that his patients wanted, so he sought out to learn from the best of the best acupuncturist in the world.

After, a many years of learning and implementing, he came across a system called QRA Quick Restorative  Acupuncture (QRA).

The name speaks for itself, QRA provides faster and more sustainable results. In addition, he also uses a unique  Pulse Diagnostic System called Functional  Pulse Diagnosis (FDP).

Accredited member of The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC)

Accredited member of Acupuncture Fertility Network

Member of British Pain Society

Local Authority Licenced Acupuncture